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Delivery Info at JM Band
Below, you can find more information about the shipping and delivery options available when shopping at JM Band.
What is the expected delivery time?
The delivery time depends on the products you purchase. You can always see the production time for the specific products on their respective product pages. The production time indicates the estimated time it takes to produce the products, so it's possible that the products may be delivered faster than the stated time. In addition, we offer a delivery guarantee. You can read more about our delivery guarantee here.
Typical production time:
- Stock items and printed paper wristbands: 1 day
- Special production: 2-22 days delivery time
- Large-scale production and orders: Please call for more information
NB: We can often prioritize the production of your order by agreement.
Once we have produced and shipped your order, you can expect a delivery time of 1-2 business days. UPS delivers every business day. UPS also delivers to home addresses on business days. The delivery time is typically between 07:00 and 16:00.
Storage Time in Parcel Shop
When your package is delivered to a UPS storage point, you have 10 days to pick it up. After this period, the package will be returned to us.
If you cannot be on the address for delivery, UPS will try to redeliver the package to your original recipient address as soon as possible. We recommend that you always keep an eye on UPS' operational status and distribution plans, as there may be changes.
If you have more questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us.
What are the shipping costs?
Transport costs vary according to total weight of the shipment and mode of transport.
Our shipping prices start from £9.88 excl. VAT. Below, you can see the different prices we offer, depending on the shipping solution you choose.
- UPS to company address | 2-5 days delivery | 0-2 kg: £9.88*
- UPS to company address | 2-5 days delivery | 2-5 kg: £10.46*
- UPS to company address | 2-5 days delivery | 5-10 kg: £12.79*
- UPS to company address | 2-5 days delivery | 10-20 kg: £19.76*
- UPS to company address | 2-5 days delivery | 20+ kg: £24.41
- UPS Express "Time-Saver" | 1-2 days delivery | 0 - 10 kg: £34.88
- UPS Express "Time-Saver" | 1-2 days delivery | 10+ kg: £46.50
Shipping fees include handling & packing fees.
Does not include customs and import taxes if imposed.
Is there an option for free shipping?
Yes, you qualify for free shipping in UK for all purchases over £130. However, there is a maximum weight limit, as the parcel box can only handle a maximum weight of 20 kg (*). This means that if your order exceeds the maximum weight, there may be additional shipping costs. Free shipping only applies to regular delivery, not express delivery.
Is it possible to pick up from JM Band?
Yes, you have the option to pick up your goods from us during our normal opening hours from 09:00 to 16:00 or by appointment, if possible. Fridays from 09:00 to 14:30.
Our address is:
Axel Gruhns Vej 10M
8270 Holme, Denmark
When you come to pick up your items, please enter the store and ring the bell at JM Band. We will come out and assist you.
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to call us at 0 204 578 1478 or email us at info@jmband.eu.